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English Muffin Pizzas


Prep Time: 20 mins Cook Time: 10mins Bake Temp: 375 F


English muffins

Pizza sauce (I will occassionally use left over spaghetti sauce if I made it with Italian sausage and make this into a personals meat lovers pizza)

Shredded Italian blend mozzarella cheese

Mini pepperoni


1) Split each English muffin in have and place them in a single layer in the air fryer

2)Air fry them until they’re nice and toasted for 2-3 mins

3) Spread the sauce on the muffins and top with the cheese and pepperoni

4) Air fry them again until the cheese is melted. This should only take 1-2 mins



About Holly

Mama of 7, wife to an incredible man. I spend my days loving my husband, raising and schooling our kiddos, playing with our pup, baking or cooking something in the kitchen and working on ways to keep our home running more smoothly. 

Passionate about simplicity, coffee, creativity and Christ. I desire to see a grass roots movement of mothers (& fathers!) that reclaim and live out a biblical definition of family while leading our children to intimately know God and love Him dearly.
I truly believe that the best is yet to come and I invite you on this journey into our High Calling of Motherhood and our Beloved Identity as His Daughters.

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